Gen24 Finding a Spouse in God's Steadfast Love
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# Finding a Spouse
in God's
Steadfast Love ## Genesis 24 [Nathan Dumlao]( "caption") >>> + In our series on book of **Genesis**, + passage today is a **happy** one: Isaac + Reb! + **love** story, so sweet! + Of course, it's not actually **about** Isaac + Reb + and although it **is** a love story, + it's not about **their** love + But it is one of **handful** times Bible describes + **how** someone found their spouse + Feel for **singles**, esp. in **pandemic**: + everyday at **home** in my pajamas + **how** am I supposed to meet someone? --- # How do I find a **spouse**? >>> + not just for **singles**, passage speaks to all of us: + Teens: marriage a **long** way off + but understand **purpose** of marriage + don't succumb to **pressure** to date (whether ext/int) + "Happy singles" not **looking** for spouse: + God has a **plan** for you, too (come **back** later) + Couples: **stuck**, done deal + God has **promises** specifically about marriage + how our rl can **grow** in faith + obedience + Parents w/kids @home: what **spouse** hope for kids? + Seniors: how **pass on** the faith in God's promises + that we've learned from **walking** w/Him? + The One who **determines** paths of our lives + also **redeems** our hearts + families + Behold the Lamb of God **[ PRAYER ]** --- ## Biblical Examples
of Finding a Spouse + Adam [(Gen 2:18-25)](# "ref") + Jacob [(Gen 28:1-5, 29:1-30)](# "ref") + Ruth + Hosea [(Hos 1-3)](# "ref") + Samson [(Jdg 14-16)](# "ref") ["Ruth Gleans in the Fields of Boaz", Bible Panorama, 1891]( "caption") >>> + one of several **examples** in Bible, + not all **positive**, many pretty messed up! + Adam (went to **sleep**) + Jacob (worked **14 years**) + Ruth (proactive but **humble**) + Hosea (God used both wife + **kids**) + Samson (God used **despite** his poor judgment) + in exploring Biblical **precedent**, + discover it's not **how-to** guide + for finding a **spouse**, bc + that's **not** most important: focus on + **God's** faithfulness + steadfast love --- 1. **Principle** [(v1-4)](# "ref") 2. **Promise** [(v5-8)](# "ref") + Father of Promises [(v7a)](# "ref") + Faith in Action [(v7b)](# "ref") + Freewill [(v8)](# "ref") 3. **Practise** [(v10-49)](# "ref") + Purpose [(v10)](# "ref") + Prayer [(v12-14)](# "ref") + Proposal [(v22-49)](# "ref") >>> + focus mostly on first **half**, for time's sake + (1) even w/o specific **regulation** from God + purpose marriage not for our **happiness** + but **remember** our Creator + pass it on + (2) dwell on God's **promises**: + knowing **who** He is gives us **confidence** / hope + even if people **choose** to reject His plan + God's **purposes** will prevail + (3) take **action** w/focus to see His promises fulfilled + **praying** in faith that God will reveal His will + offering honest **invitation** to join in God's promises + So what's the **setting** for today's passage? --- Now Abraham was **old**, well advanced in years.
And the Lord had **blessed** Abraham in all things. [Genesis 24:1 (ESV)](# "ref") [Brandenburg Alps, Austria. Paul Gilmore]( "caption") >>> + Abe **140yo**, still 35yrs left + wife **Sarah** died 3yrs prior + **Ishmael** 54yo, already sent away + now worrying about **Isaac** (40yo) + knows how important a good **wife** is! + But Abe's not main **character** of this story; + not **Rebekah**: does very little + not **Isaac**: does zero! + majority of **text** on actions of a **servant**: --- And Abraham said to his **servant**,
the **oldest** of his household,
who had **charge** of all that he had [Genesis 24:2 (ESV)](# "ref") [Eliezer of Damascus, William Dyce, 1860]( "caption") >>> + (though even **he's** not the real main character) + probably **Eliezer** of Damascus (15:2) + with Abe for **longer** than Isaac alive + faithful + **trusted** + now Abe entrusts with even **greater** task + than overseeing all Abe's **possessions** --- Put your hand under my **thigh**,
[3](# "ref") that I may make you **swear** by the Lord,
the God of **heaven** and God of the **earth**, [Genesis 24:2-3 (ESV)](# "ref") [Isaac Blesses Jacob, Gustave Doré, 1866]( "caption") >>> + hand under **thigh**: solemnity of oath + unique to **Bible** + also **Jacob** to Joseph (47:29) + no evidence **Romans** did this + charge/task is really **important** + deals w/Abe's **progeny** / legacy + for servant, **failure** not an option --- that you will not take a **wife** for my son
from the daughters of the **Canaanites**,
among whom I dwell, [4](# "ref") but will go to my country and to my **kindred**,
and take a wife for my son Isaac. [Genesis 24:3-4 (ESV)](# "ref") [Gdynia, Poland]( "caption") >>> + Abe's goal: believing **wife** for Isaac + Already sent **Hagar** + Ishmael away (ch21) + as per God's **command** (Gal4:30-31) + Ishmael's wife **Egyptian**, found by **Hagar** + Abe had no **hand** in it + So what's the **deal** w/marrying **kin**? + Do **Chinese** have to marry only Chinese? + Here's the **principle**: --- When God **created** man,
he made him in the **likeness** of God. | **Adam** | *130* | Seth | *105* | |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | Enosh | *90* | Kenan | *70* | | Mahalalel | *65* | Jared | *162* | | Enoch | *65* | Methuselah | *187* | | Lamech | *182* | **Noah** | | [Genesis 5:1 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + from beginning **all** knew Creator + not a **foreign** religion + orig. we could **walk** w/Him + But after **fall**, mankind quickly **forgot** / left + 1 **family line** that remembered God + **10 gens** / 1000 yrs, Adam to birth of Noah + each gen **teaching** from father to son + In **Noah's** time, + earth was **filled** w/violence, but --- But Noah found **favor** in the eyes of the Lord. [Genesis 6:8 (ESV)](# "ref") [Hans Braxmeier]( "caption") >>> + God had **mercy** on Noah + family + (8 mouths on a **boat**) + but **after** flood, mankind **again** left God + **Canaanites** in particular under God's curse: --- "Cursed be **Canaan**;
a **servant** of servants
shall he be to his brothers" [Genesis 9:25 (ESV)](# "ref") [Brad Helmink]( "caption") >>> + From Canaan came the **Hittites** and other nations + amongst whom Abe+Isaac were presently **living** + They had long **forsaken** worship of the true Creator + turned aside to false **idols** + but once again, God preserved a **remnant**: --- Now the Lord said to **Abram**,
“**Go** from your country and your kindred
and your father's house
to the **land** that I will show you." | **Noah** | *500* | Shem | *100* | Arpachshad | *35* | |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | Shelah | *30* | Eber | *34* | Peleg | *30* | | Reu | *32* | Serug | *30* | Nahor | *29* | | Terah | *70* | **Abram** | | | | [Genesis 12:1, 11:10-26 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + 1 family line that **remembered** God + 10 gens / 1000 yrs, birth Noah to birth Abe + passing on **knowledge** of who God is + from **father** to son + we see how **important** family is: + the **habits** we cultivate at home + the **priorities** we instill in our children + By the time we reach **Abe**, + again the **majority** of nations + had **forgotten** the Creator + But again, God had **mercy** on one: --- And I will make of you a **great nation**, ... and in you all the **families** of the earth
shall be **blessed**. [Genesis 12:2,3 (ESV)](# "ref") [Ales Krivec]( "caption") >>> + God made His **promise** to Abe + through Abe - Isaac - Jacob + estab. **nation** of Israel + **chosen** by God in His mercy + to **remember** the Creator + and **pass on** to next gen knowledge of + God of heaven + earth + That brings us now to **Isaac**: --- you will not take a **wife** for my son
from the daughters of the **Canaanites**,
among whom I dwell, [4](# "ref") but will go to my country and to my **kindred**,
and take a wife for my son Isaac. [Genesis 24:3-4 (ESV)](# "ref") [Rebecca at the Well, Giovanni Piazzetta, 1740]( "caption") >>> + from the **lineage** of those who remember Creator + find a **wife** who will help you to + **teach** next gen to remember God + good wife so **important**! + same thing w/next gen **after** Isaac: + Jacob went to relatives at **Haran** for wife + Esau married 2 **Hittite** women + Not **legalistic** require: not **codified** anywhere + **predates** Moses' law! + from the **beginning**, God has **revealed** Himself + and **chosen** to have mercy + on a **remnant** who remembered Him + so we must **revere** Him as holy in our homes + **estab.** family w/spouse who also reveres Him → --- This **mystery** is that
the **Gentiles** are fellow **heirs**,
members of the same **body**, and partakers of the **promise**
in Christ Jesus through the gospel. [Ephesians 3:6 (ESV)](# "ref") [Nancy, France. Rémi Walle]( "caption") >>> + What about us **today**? + Raising godly **family** still critically imp. + **all** nations blessed via Seed of Abe + through whom **mystery** of gospel revealed: + **[Eph 3:6]** + we who are **not** part of family line of Abe + have been **adopted** in by grace + continue to **pass on** the remembrance of Creator + Those of us who weren't **taught** by our parents + have **mentors** / teachers in the faith + just as **Paul** was spiritual father to many --- (application: looking for spouse) >>> + So when **looking** for spouse + whether for **self** or for **child** + don't just **tick** the checkbox: + attends **church**, got baptised + Find someone who **remembers** the Creator + and will help you **teach** to children + that He is **holy** + righteous + created us for **fellowship** w/Him + teach to **fear** + obey LORD + **repent** of our sins + **return** to Him + show **mercy** to others + as **Christ** has to us --- (aside: to happy singles) >>> + to **happy singles**: whether teens, 20s, or up + first: today's passage **isn't** primarily + about how Isaac+Reb got **married** + it's about **God's** faithfulness, and how to + take **action** in light of His promises + So all the real **lessons** from this ch + apply to **all** of us, single or married + You're right that what principally **defines** one + should not be one's **marital status**. + But: what principally defines you + is not sth **you** can choose for yourself, either + You are, foremost, a **child** of God + loved + adopted into His **family** → --- The **unmarried** or betrothed woman is
**anxious** about the things of the Lord,
how to be **holy** in **body** and **spirit**. But the **married** woman is anxious about **worldly** things,
how to please her **husband** [1 Corinthians 7:34 (ESV)](# "ref") [Olivia Snow]( "caption") >>> + you have a certain **freedom** as singles: + do not use it to **indulge** selfishness + but to be **undistracted** in devotion to God + **[1 Cor 7]** + not just **working** hard to serve Him + e.g., **caring** for poor / seniors / orphans + but fully committed to **pursuing** holiness + seeking **accountability** in the family of Christ + much **more** to be said about this, another time! --- # What is the **purpose** of marriage? >>> + sign of **God's** steadfast covenant love + way for us to **experience** God's love + and practise **showing** it selflessly + establish **family** that remembers Creator + **pass** it on to next gen **[4 count pause]** --- 1. Principle [(v1-4)](# "ref") 2. **Promise** [(v5-8)](# "ref") + *Father of Promises* [(v7a)](# "ref") + *Faith in Action* [(v7b)](# "ref") + *Freewill* [(v8)](# "ref") 3. Practise [(v10-49)](# "ref") + Purpose [(v10)](# "ref") + Prayer [(v12-14)](# "ref") + Proposal [(v22-49)](# "ref") >>> + in v1-4 we see **principle** of + finding a **godly** wife + to pass on the **remembrance** of the Creator + in v5-8 we see Abe's **faith** in action: + Remembering **who** made the promises + gives us **confidence** + assurance + Each person can **choose** whether to be + part of God's plan of **blessing** or not, + but that does not **thwart** God's plan + nor should it **paralyse** us with uncertainty + Abe emphasizes the **nature** of + God, the **Promise**-Keeper: --- The Lord, the God of **heaven**,
who **took me** from my father's house
and from the land of my kindred, and who **spoke to me** and swore to me,
‘To your offspring I will give this land,’ [Genesis 24:7 (ESV)](# "ref") [Avenue of the Giants, CA. John Towner]( "caption") >>> + (1) Creator, (2) Shepherd, (3) Father + "God of **heaven**": all-powerful, capable + 20 gens / 2000 yrs of history + "took me from land of my **kin**" (12:1): + sent Abe here to **Canaan**, blessed + **personally** exp. God's providence + know God **cares** + leads + **Seniors** (remember Abe 140yo): + you've **experienced** God's faithfulness + you've **journeyed** in faith as Abe did + not knowing what **tomorrow** holds + but knowing **who** holds tomorrow + prom. not **empty** words you recite: you've **lived** it! + have same **confid** in God's power Abe did --- Then the Lord **appeared** to Abram and said,
“To your **offspring** I will give **this land**.” [Genesis 12:7 (ESV)](# "ref") [Jake Givens]( "caption") >>> + specific promise of **family lineage** + why Isaac's **wife** so imp. to Abe + God estab. **family** legacy for Abe + also specifically about land of **Canaan** + why Isaac must not **move** away + Remember **who** it is who made the promise: + Creator is **able** to fulfill + Shepherd **cares** for us + leads us forward + Father establishes our **family** + legacy + This gives us **assurance** of faith + in the face of **uncertainty** + Servant Eliezer is thinking **ahead**: --- The servant said to him, “Perhaps **the woman**
may not be **willing** to follow me to this land." [Genesis 24:5 (ESV)](# "ref") [Rebecca at the Well. old Bible etching, 1885]( "caption") >>> + not a sign of **lack** of faith, just + being **shrewd**, plan contingency: + That's **great** that God promised a family legacy + but what if things **don't** go acc to plan? + "Perhaps the woman": **singular** + imply not **ranking** candidates / going down list + not **Eliezer** choosing, but God + ok, let's say God prepares **one** woman for Isaac + and **leads** me to find her + God does **His** part, I've done **my** part + she still has **freewill** to refuse God's plan + Abe's **reply**: I know **who** it is who promises, and --- He **will** send His angel before you,
and you **shall** take a wife for my son from there. [Genesis 24:7 (ESV)](# "ref") [Chuckanut Mountain, US. Patrick Fore]( "caption") >>> + no **doubt** that God will provide God-fearing wife + therefore **shall act** in that assurance + This isn't about **wishing** something to happen + doesn't rest on **strength** of our conviction + but on **faithfulness** of God to His promises + Abe acks **freewill** choice of the woman + and takes **pressure** off Eliezer: --- If the woman is **not willing** to follow you,
then you will be **free** from this oath of mine [Genesis 24:8 (ESV)](# "ref") [Rebecca at the Well. old Bible etching, 1885]( "caption") >>> + free: clean, empty cup, **innocent** of wrong + assumption would be Isaac would marry **Canaanite** + trust that God can still continue a family line + that **remembers** the Creator + but! won't need to **use** the contingency plan + God will **provide**, as He always has! + So what about **us**? + here's where **diverge** slightly from Isaac → --- And I will make of you a **great nation**, ... and in you all the **families** of the earth
shall be **blessed**. [Genesis 12:2,3 (ESV)](# "ref") [Mario Purisic]( "caption") >>> + God gave Abe **specific** promise + would become a vast **nation** [Gen12] + so he **knew** family line would continue + That promise has been **fulfilled** + not only with **Isaac** + Rebekah + but ultimately in **Christ** + extending **blessing** to all families of earth --- (God still speaks) >>> + but God can and does still **speak** to us + in our **specific** circumstances! + e.g., **wife** + I met in **small group**: not our **"type"** + but God **sees** better than we do: + both **farther** ahead + **deeper** into the soul + and God made His **choice** clear to us, so + our **choice** was not to choose the **person** + based on a list of matching **criteria** + but we chose to say **yes** to God's choice + and hence **yes** to each other + still **struggles** all the time in marriage, + but I have never **once** doubted that + supposed to be **married** to each other + God doesn't make **mistakes**, doesn't **change** mind: --- God is not **man**, that he should **lie**,
or a son of man,
that he should **change** his mind. Has he **said**, and will he not **do** it?
Or has he **spoken**, and will he not **fulfill** it? [Numbers 23:19 (ESV)](# "ref") [Samuel Ferrara]( "caption") >>> + even Balaam the **unfaithful** prophet was used by God + to demonstrate His **unchanging** faithfulness + So **why** should I **doubt** God's goodness? --- # What are God's **promises** to me? >>> + God has **not** promised to all of us that + we will have **children** + or have a **happy** marriage + or even **get** married + but we **do** have God's promise through Christ + He established **times** + **places** for us to live (Ac17) + **Adopted** us into His family + granted **inheritance** in heaven (Eph1) + Blessed us to become **blessing** to all nations **[4 count pause]** --- 1. Principle [(v1-4)](# "ref") 2. Promise [(v5-8)](# "ref") + Father of Promises [(v7a)](# "ref") + Faith in Action [(v7b)](# "ref") + Freewill [(v8)](# "ref") 3. **Practise** [(v10-49)](# "ref") + *Purpose* [(v10)](# "ref") + *Prayer* [(v12-14)](# "ref") + *Proposal* [(v22-49)](# "ref") >>> + **Principle**: to establish families that + **remember** the Creator + Remember **who** it is who gives the **promises**, + have full **assurance** of faith, even if + God allows **choice** to reject His blessings. + Now turn to **Eliezer** the servant to learn + how to take **action** in light of God's faithfulness → --- And Abraham said to his **servant**,
the **oldest** of his household,
who had **charge** of all that he had [Genesis 24:2 (ESV)](# "ref") [Eliezer of Damascus, William Dyce, 1860]( "caption") >>> + most of us don't have dads **wealthy** enough + to have **trusted** servant to find spouse + Possible for **parents** to find spouse + but immense **responsibility**: + to be **honest**, in individualistic society, + we no longer **know** our kids + as well as we ought + nor do we **pray** for them / marriage + in the way we ought --- (matchmaking) >>> + e.g., when single: church aunties as **matchmakers** + (not that I had **prospects**!) + or even **now**, want to help single friends: + but think **twice** about matchmaking + Marriage is **serious**, lifelong commit., + sign of **God's** covenant love + not to be **trifled** with + not, "oh, you two would be **cute** together" + not so **I** take credit, only God. + So as we read Eliezer's **dedication** to his task + **lessons** learned can apply to + anyone **looking** for God's guidance: --- Then the servant took
ten of his master's **camels** and departed,
taking all sorts of choice **gifts** from his master; and he arose and went to **Mesopotamia**
to the city of **Nahor**. [Genesis 24:10 (ESV)](# "ref") [Dallol, Ethiopia. Trevor Cole]( "caption") >>> + long distance, **weeks** of journey: + **Canaan**: likely Beersheba or Hebron + **Nahor**: Aram-Naharaim, NW Mesopotamia + many supplies, gifts, need whole **team**: + several other **servants**, guards + much **preparation**, taking it **seriously** + would be **self-sufficient** + able to draw own **water** for camels --- And he made the **camels** kneel down
outside the city by the **well** of water at the time of **evening**,
the time when **women** go out to draw water. [Genesis 24:11 (ESV)](# "ref") [Hagars Well in the Desert of Beersheba. Archibald Forder, 1863]( "caption") >>> + strategic in going to **well** at evening + (single **guys**: where are the wells now?) + not just going where eligible **ladies** are + Eliezer was a **servant**: not looking for **himself** + but to fulfill solemn **oath** + and immense **task** given by master + didn't need the **odds** to be in his favour + trust that **God** had already prepared **one** + showed **planning** + earnest **intent** --- (praying for a spouse) >>> + e.g., when **single**, big step was starting to + actually **pray** for a wife, **ask** for prayer + ack **want** to be married + not dreaming of what I **get** out of it + meeting my **needs**, companionship, etc + being able to **say** I have a bf/gf + but preparing for the **commitment** + respect spouse as **equal** but complementary + and **ready** to move forward when God says **go** + Later, when God made His choice **clear**, + but fam **reluctant** to let Reb go: --- But he said to them, “Do not **delay** me,
since the Lord has **prospered** my way.
Send me **away** that I may go to my master.” [Genesis 24:56 (ESV)](# "ref") [Egypt. Mariam Soliman]( "caption") >>> + just the **next day** after meeting Reb! + Once God made it **clear** who Isaac's wife would be + and she made her own **choice** to accept + No **delay**, just move **forward** + bring **back** to Isaac + and indeed, Isaac accepted + **loved** her + Eliezer's **focus** on seeing God's promise **fulfilled** + Secondly, Eliezer **prayed**: --- O Lord, God of my master Abraham,
please grant me **success** today ... let her be the one whom you have
**appointed** for your servant Isaac. By this I shall know that you have
shown **steadfast love** to my master [Genesis 24:12,14 (ESV)](# "ref") [Ben White]( "caption") >>> + who is LORD: God of Abe + able to grant **success** (for Eliezer) + the One who **appoints** spouse (for Isaac) + shows steadfast **love** (to Abe) + (**chesed**: covenant lovingkindness) + "Eliezer": my God is **help** + a note about drawing water for the **camels**: --- She said, “I will draw water for your **camels** also,
until they have finished drinking.” [20](# "ref") So she quickly **emptied** her jar into the trough
and **ran** again to the well to draw water,
and she drew for all his **camels**. [Genesis 24:19-20 (ESV)](# "ref") [Rebecca and Eliezer, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1660]( "caption") >>> + 20gal/camel: major **effort** + (ladies: beef up your **biceps**!) + or: show **kindness** to strangers + This isn't to say Reb was more **noble** than other girls + focus not on Reb but **God's** faithfulness + **Filtering** criteria to narrow the selection + Eliezer asking for a **sign** + to indicate God's **choice** + So when God **answered** his prayer, + what did he do **next**? --- The man took a **gold ring**
weighing a half shekel,
and two **bracelets** for her arms
weighing ten gold shekels, [23](# "ref") and said, “Please tell me whose **daughter** you are.
Is there room in your **father's house**
for us to spend the night?” [Genesis 24:22-23 (ESV)](# "ref") [Isaacs Servant Tying Bracelet on Rebeccas Arm, Benjamin West, 1775]( "caption") >>> + 3 things he did **immediately**: + Gifts as **token** of earnestness + (not to **buy** favourable response) + he's off the **hook** if she refuses + Ask about her **family**: + (Bible doesn't even say he asked **her** name!) + specific plans to **meet** the family + thirdly: --- The man bowed his head
and **worshiped** the Lord [27](# "ref") and said, “**Blessed** be the Lord,
the God of my master Abraham, who has not forsaken his **steadfast love**
and his **faithfulness** toward my master. [Genesis 24:26-27 (ESV)](# "ref") [Lake of Carezza, Italy. Alessandro Viaro]( "caption") >>> + **worship** God, thanksgiving + when God brings 2 ppl **together** + is this our response: humble **worship**? + what our **weddings** should be full of! + Notice this repeated **refrain**: + God's **steadfast love** (chesed, covenant) + and **faithfulness** (truth) + That's the real **heart** of this chapter! + Not what Isaac or Reb or even **Eliezer** did + Then, upon meeting Reb's **family**: --- Then **food** was set before him to eat. But he said, “I **will not eat** until
I have **said** what I have to say.” [Genesis 24:33 (ESV)](# "ref") [Toa Heftiba]( "caption") >>> + **Focused** on his mission, bc + he knew it would affect **families** + lives + potentially even for **gens** to come + **Explained** entire task + journey: + w/o **hiding** / duplicit + not to **persuade** or cajole + Then simply presented the **proposal** to them: --- Now then, if you are going to show
**steadfast love** and **faithfulness** to my master, tell me; and if not, tell me, that I may
turn to the **right** hand or to the **left**. [Genesis 24:49 (ESV)](# "ref") [Jens Lelie]( "caption") >>> + Same **themes**: + God has already shown chesed **love** + **truth** + now will **you**? + God made His **choice** clear + but **you** have a choice whether to accept or not + The same **invitation** extends to us today: --- # Am I **ready** to act when God **reveals** His will? >>> + Whether in **marriage**, or career, moving house, ministry + **Preparation** in assurance of God's **promises** + A time of **prayer** + waiting, + which may **seem** unending + But when God **speaks**, will I respond with + immediate **action**, + humble **worship**, and an + open and honest **invitation** to + participate in God's miraculous **promises**? **[4 count pause]** --- (Rebekah and afterward) >>> + Isaac + Reb's story **not** "happily ever after" + next ch: 20yrs **infertility** + difficult **pregnancy** + kids' sibling **rivalry**, parents' **favouritism** + Not like **Rebekah** was perfect wife, either: + "ribqah": alluring, **captivating**, cord tied firmly + as **baby**: so lovely, capture heart + as **adult**: can be dangerous + use God-given beauty to **bend** men to her will + **Jacob** ("grasps, deceives") / Israel ("wrestles w/God") + easy to see where got **scheming** nature from → --- **Blessed** be the Lord,
the God of my master Abraham, who has not forsaken his **steadfast love**
and his **faithfulness** toward my master. [Genesis 24:27 (ESV)](# "ref") [Lake of Carezza, Italy. Alessandro Viaro]( "caption") >>> + Focus not on how hard **Isaac** searched for wife + not on **Reb** being perfect wife for Isaac + not even **Abe's** faith or **Eliezer's** diligence + but **God's** chesed love, as in Eliezer's **prayer**: [v7] + His faithfulness to His **promises** + His **plan** from Abe to Isaac to Jacob + through both **royal** and **priestly** lines, + on down to **Jesus** + through whom **all nations** are blessed + Focus is on His **steadfast love** + **faithfulness** --- >>> + **Families** remember our Creator + **honour** You in our homes + **Remember** who You are as Promise-Keeper + Creator, Shepherd, Father + **Trust** in Your promises completely + even as You give each one a **choice** + whether to obey or **refuse** Your blessing + **Prepare** selves w/focus + intent + **praying** w/faith to see Your promises fulfilled + **extending** invitation that others may + enter into Your **covenant love** + truth